Four-Squirrel Marinas
    A weblog for anyone interested in cruising the Great Loop and Inland Rivers


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for Maggie, who was always ready for a new adventure

What, you ask, is a "Four-Squirrel Marina"? 

Quite simply, it is a marina whose features make a "No, it is NOT a cat nap!"boat dog's day!

If you are a four-legged boater, you are looking for a place that is ultra canine-friendly, with easy access from your boat to the docks, with grassy areas to play in (or poop, particularly when pooper bags are provided for your Humans to use), and with interesting local wildlife to stalk or watch (squirrels in particular!).

If you've read the Calypso Poet Cruise Journal, you noted Maggie's squirrel ratings from her Great Loop and other cruise adventures, with detailed explanations why the marinas earned anywhere from one to four squirrels. If you haven't yet read the Calypso Poet Cruise Journal, what are you waiting for? There's a link to it right here on this page, in the navigation area at left.

The Four-Squirrel Marina list (hmm, should we trademark that label?) does not contain names of a number of very fine, dog-loving marinas, because Maggie never had the opportunity to visit them, or because while they were rather nice, they didn't rate more than three squirrels. Not bad, mind you, but this web page names only the cream of the crop. In addition, it should be noted that many marinas that her Maybe you stop to smell the roses. Maggie stops to smell the horses.Humans liked very much did not rank high with Maggie, but Humans do not necessarily look for--or appreciate--the things that boat dogs treasure. Here are Maggie's favorites, with links to their web sites, where available.

updated June 19, 2008

Cumberland River:

Tennessee River:

Tenn-Tom Waterway:

Gulf Coast:

Atlantic Coast, including Chesapeake Bay:


Great Lakes:


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